9 signs you’re gluten sensitive and this is important to know

Research shows that people with gluten intolerance are more likely to suffer from migraines than others. The causes of headaches can be very different. A person with a gluten allergy gets a headache 30-60 minutes after eating.

  1. Skin and nail problems
    Hair keratosis and dermatitis herpetiformis are 2 skin conditions directly related to gluten intolerance. Symptoms include itching and rashes on the hands, trunk, face, buttocks, elbows, and hairline. Another symptom is weak and brittle nails. Other skin irritations, such as eczema, can signal blockages caused by gluten.

Another condition that may be associated with gluten intolerance is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD can occur in both children and adults. People with this disorder have poor concentration and lack of self-control. A gluten-free diet may help reduce ADHD symptoms.

  1. Poor dental condition
    In case of gluten intolerance, the absorption of necessary elements and minerals in the intestine is impaired. The same goes for calcium. As a result, problems can occur in the teeth and oral cavity: enamel hypersensitivity, tooth decay, caries, and mucosal ulcers. If you take good care of your teeth but still notice some problems, the cause may be due to your gluten consumption.
  2. Iron deficiency anemia
    In most cases, celiac disease is diagnosed due to iron deficiency anemia. Its symptoms include low blood volume, fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches, skin and mucous membranes, and even arthritis. In gluten intolerance, iron absorption is impaired in the intestine, resulting in poor iron absorption.

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