Orchideen: Der Trick der Floristen für eine üppige Blüte und glänzende, kräftige Blätte

Furthermore, regular grooming and maintenance are essential for keeping orchids healthy and attractive. Florists carefully inspect the plants for any signs of pests or diseases, promptly addressing any issues to prevent them from spreading. Additionally, they prune dead or damaged foliage and spent blooms, promoting new growth and prolonging the flowering period.

Moreover, proper potting is crucial for orchids to thrive. Florists select pots with adequate drainage holes and use a well-draining growing medium tailored to the specific needs of orchids. This ensures that excess water can freely drain away from the roots, preventing waterlogging and root rot. By providing the right potting conditions, florists create an optimal environment for orchids to flourish.

Furthermore, temperature regulation plays a significant role in orchid cultivation. Florists monitor temperature fluctuations, ensuring that orchids are kept within their preferred temperature range. This stable temperature environment promotes healthy growth and flowering, preventing stress-induced dormancy or premature flower drop.

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